I've realized that I've never existed
I've never existed in reality
I've never existed in the physical world
I've never lived in the story
The story that has taken place so far
The one people call the story of my life
Everyone who has met me
Everyone who has watched me
I've never existed with them
I've never lived in their reality
I've merely participated in this reality
Letting time fly by
Letting things happen
Caring only just so
Caring just enough to keep breathing
To keep the body alive
In motion, moving ahead
While I've existed is elsewhere
In a place which is both real and imaginary
In concepts, in stories, in ideas, in thoughts
In music, in darkness, in sunlight, in silence
In quiet moments, in fiction, in madness
I am not this reality, this reality is not me
We are twins born attached, yet separate
Will this realization bring peace?
Freedom? Confusion? Chaos?
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